
Deep in the Pool, by Roald Dahl

This story is an exercise in subtlety, from the gentle joke of its title to the surprise catch at its ending. Analyze the story title.

The story title can be understood in two different ways. The first one is when Mr. Botibol jumps off the ship to the sea. It would be a funny and ironic way of saying “deep in the sea”. The other way the title can be understood, is that the pool mentioned in it is the pool of money of the bets. Mr. Botibol was deep in the pool of money because he betted all his savings and because he is “drowned” in the pool of money he has no possibilities of winning.

What drove Mr. Botibol jump overboard?

It gave him more possibilities to win. Staying on the boat would mean that he was going to lose for sure (he would be alive but with no money left). Jumping off the ship was the way of solving the problem. He would win the bet because they would have to save him (he would be alive and would have all the money), or he could die, which considering that money is more important than living; it would be another solution, because if he is dead he doesn´t have to worry about the money. Anyway, dying wasn’t part of his plan.

Why did his plan fail?

His plan fails because the woman he chooses to give the alarm that he was in the sea, was mentally insane. If I were him, I would have chosen a group of people, just in case the person that was supposed to help me left or didn’t help me.

What would have done if you were the old lady?

I think I would take a glance to the sea just to make sure there was no man in the sea. Although the other woman was mentally insane, you never really know when they are telling the truth or not. Of course, if there was a man in the sea, I would immediately tell the captain.

The last scene is that of the elderly woman “allowing herself to be led away across the deck" and offhandedly mentioning “Such a nice man. He waved to me". What does this tell you about the old lady and poor Mr. Botibol?

It tells me that the woman was not mentally sane, so the elderly woman was taking care of her, and that the plan of Mr. Botibol failed. It is clear that she is insane because she thinks that the man is exercising in the sea. Mr. Botibol was clearly desperate and took a very quick decision. He was killed by his own ambition and desire of being the winner of the bet. He made a very bad decision on betting all the savings he had.

Identify the story themes and expand on them. Find at least two.

Money: It is a common ambition on people and they are willing to do almost everything just for having more. It is very important for some because it defines their social status and because they think that it makes them better than other people and because it gives them more power.
Betting:  It is also shown in “Taste”. It is shown as a very dangerous obsession in people and that can also make them take dangerous, quick and wrong decisions just for winning.
“Ambitions and obsessions” is a theme shown in a lot of stories of Roald Dahl. In this story is shown with money and betting.
Insanity is shown in this story, but in my opinion it isn’t developed by the writer as a theme, but it is only shown as a very important part in the development of the story-specially in the ending-.

I think all the themes used by the writer are used to show the reader the real nature of the human being, in almost all his stories.

Find similarities between this story and Man from the South.

The similarities I can notice between these two stories are that the main character is apparently on holidays, the appearance of an insane person and of a sane person taking care of it, and the existence of a bet. In both stories the main character makes his decisions based on the odds he has for winning the bet.

What´s the message Roald Dahl gives its reader?

I think the message Roald Dahl gives its reader is that people’s decisions are made very often based on their ambitions and obsessions, and that people are able to reach very extreme points when carried away by them. This is something this writer shows in his stories very often – he kind of tries to unmask the real nature on the human being, a nature that sometimes can scare anyone.